I guess this outfit is the one that better represents my mood these days.
Confused.. I guess.
Without further ado I should declare that it all started with the hat, and lately I’ve been pretty obsessed with bowlers hat and I actually quite sorry that you can’t actually wear one during summer in RL without risking to boil your head and damage your already weak brain cells.

[skin {:Curio: |Petal - FREX [Light] Vixen-Pure}
[hair {Maitreya | Faye - Peroxide Blond}

[hat {TheDOGS | Blame Bowler }
[mask {paper couture | Peacock Feather Mask (free)}
[nosering { Zaara | Suvarna Nosering}
[neck {::: BareRose ::: | It's Onlly A Paper Moon - NeckAround}
[cardigan {barbee. | Jewel KARASU - KNIT}
[gloves {Floral race Dress White Gloves (part of some long lost freebie outfit)}
[pants { M * A * ii * K * I | Streep - Bronze PuffPants}
[leggings {(Royal Blue) | Two Colours a Leg Leggins Monochrome - Ultra Contrast 1}
[shoes {.:Periquita | Funny Girl Flats:.}
[socks {Pig - Socks Mit Suspenders - Fire Engine Red Sock (old group gift)}

slurl:{Swamp Hotel}

Amazing places on the grid: I love windlight and even if it usually works best on open skies, I love the water reflex on the rotten wallpaper of the Swamp Hotel.
I didn’t want to edit this cap simply because that light and water game on the walls and ceiling looked way too perfect without having to ruin it with too much photoshop.


Taking a small break from furryness (only here cause I still roam the grid with my fluffy white coat) I had these caps waiting to be edited and it was about time I wrap them in a post.

[skin {(LAZOLLI) | Jade - 03E (2L if I remeber correctly)}
[hair {!lamb | Mister Sister - pale}
[cheeks {BP* | hoppe cheeks - tears (free @ Drwosy carnival)}

[neck {:::BareRose::: | Black Mist - ChestAround (part of an outfit)}
[vest {(Milk Motion) | My Admiral vest v2}
[shirt { Emery | Jumpsuit Fame - shirt layer}
[bracelet {<Discord> | Group limitation Bracelet (group gift)}
[skirt {(SELDOM BLUE) | Kira lingerie - knicker frills (free)}
[pants {-SG- | Galife - black}
[ankles { ? | 31 Engineer boots - lower leg (group gift)}
[shoes {50 flats | Gray block flats (free)}


Shy Sheep totally stole my editing time.

Bedtime story: I had been seeing this amazing scarf a lot on several blogs and, of course, I wanted it too. So I thought: how lucky, just type the store name and SL finds it for you!
Type THE DOGS into your search window.
I know, I am a lost cause, such a waste of neurons in my brain.
But, at least, I found a slurl, stalking comments on other people’s blog (yes, it’s me stalking your comments column, beware!).
Shy sheep has got its mustard scarf (amazing colour!) and I got to exchange a few IMs with JDDM - the creator - that assured me he wouldn’t mind having a sheep wearing his accessories.

slurl: {Emvee Cuba}

I guess I don't know how to match patterns.
I couldn't resist taking a couple of caps when I saw that basket full of aubergines....and I'll probably end up making a desktop wallpaper with that mural above, because that's real genius.


The sheep strikes back.

On a slightly serious note: I really want to thank Onyx Lashelle of Maitreya.
I am seriously in love with all Maitreya’s hairstyles, everytime I got a few lindens I buy one peroxides pack, maybe it’s also because I like the name, give my avi some more oxigen to fill tiny pixel brain cells.
Actually want I wanted to say it’s: I might have been lucky until now, or it might be that I haven’t been on the grid for a long time, but the other day I had a problem while buying my Maitreya’s hair fix and had to bother the creator cause I never received my oxygen pack!
Onyx Lashelle sent me the hair the next day along with an IM.
So I couldn’t resist to add some Faye to my sheep.

slurl : { Alirium gardens }
I admit I got caught up in the *BP*’s sheep fetish that’s going on along with CSR.
This avatar is above the concept of cuteness.
So I’ll be counting hopping pixels’ sheep to lull me to sleep for a while, I guess.

slurl: {Lostwood }
models: [Abigale Heron , Shin]

La mia pecora è stata adottata. Abby ha siglato l’atto passandomi una meravigliosa animazione zampettante che, ovviamente, userò per disturbare il prossimo ogni qualvolta il mio AO schizofrenico mi venga sui nervi.
Niente scuse: sono andata in giro a raccogliere stampini con il solo scopo di aggiudicarmi l’avatar con le corna. Mi sa che Abigale è l’unica a condividere il mio entusiasmo per zoccoli e coda ispida, ma ogni volta che vedo questo batuffolo di pixel l’incomprensione passa in secondo piano.
(io ho sempre sostenuto la superiorità nipponica in questi campi – il campo dell’idiozia adorabile, per intenderci.)


Dark times.
Maybe, not really, but I came up with this so it might mean something… or not.
It probably means I should fill my mp3 player with some kind of music that reminds of pink bunnies and rows of cupcakes, I’ll work on that.

I mean.

model: [ Nakoto Exonar ]

"When morning comes again
I have the loneliness you left me
Each day drags by
Until finally my time descends on me
I go to sleep"
[I Go To Sleep - SIA]

Seconda foto per Nakoto.
Mi spiace un po’ per i toni cupi di questa immagine, ma stavo ascoltando i soliti mp3 depressivi ed è mi sono un po’ accanita sulle ombre.
Magari prossima volta cercherò di rimanere un minimo più vicina agli scatti originali, anche se ci credo poco, in generale non mi riesce e non ci provo nemmeno più di tanto.
..se ci sarà una prossima volta, se non verrò bandita dall’isoletta per infilarmi nei video, sbattere contro gli scogli e intasare le altalene, nonché calpestare in continuazione le aiuole.


"Rose of all Roses, Rose of all the World!
You, too, have come where the dim tides are hurled
Upon the wharves of sorrow, and heard ring

The bell that calls us on; the sweet far thing.
Beauty grown sad with its eternity
Made you of us, and of the dim grey sea.
Our long ships loose thought-woven sails and wait,

For God has bid them share an equal fate;
And when at last, defeated in His wars,

They have gone down under the same white stars,
We shall no longer hear the little cry

Of our sad hearts, that may not live nor die."

{The rose of Battle . W.B. Yeats}
I guess I am back into one of my - I'm already fed up with summer - mood. Or maybe it's just that I can't help sliding towards my "costumy" side every now and then, well, actually, pretty often I might say.
I've had this ready for ages, I still can't figure out why I haven't post it before. Maybe I just didn't like it enough, it looked quite right with the entire Tabelau's sim palette, but it just felt wrong when I left the place.

[skin {fashionably dead | Beauty Pack - (fd) Light Skin (Milk Nose)}
[hair {((JUNWAVE)) | Pop'nGirl - *LightBROWN*}

[head {::SPLIT PEA:: | you stroke my locks (free)}
[dress {[LeeZu!] | REVOLUTION Pan (free)}
[undershirt {* MichaMi: | GlamTank in DarkBrown}
[shirt {[Sweetest Goodbye*] | Herangsa - Khaki}
[gloves {[LeeZu!] | REVOLUTION Pan (free)}
[belt {*LPP* | Classic camerama's belt}
[pants {:: DUTCH TOUCH :: | Jeans Ripped Xtra - Dark Grey}
[leg {*AD* | leg strap smoke (lucky chair)}
[boots {+grasp+ | si*na/Leather Boots/DarkBrown/mens}


E con ben DUE giorni di ritardo, faccio gli auguri a Nakoto per il suo REZZday.

model: { Nakoto Exonar }

Ringrazio per avermi, ancora una volta, permesso di infestare il suo paradiso personale con la mia presenza. Mi rendo conto che i poveri scoglietti del piccolo shangri la di Nakoto sono spariti da qualche parte sotto ignobili colpi di photoshop, purtroppo non sono capace di editare con garbo.

Non chiedetemi da dove sia spuntata fuori l'idea delle squame perchè probabilmente è solo qualche complesso freudiano causato dalla ripetuta visione della Sirenetta.