I regret so much these were taken on my laptop at a lower resolution, but I thought they could be saved, edited a bit and posted on the blog anyway.
I actually sworn to myself I would post only slightly altered and edited pics on this blog, I kind of failed at that.

slurl : { REZ }
slurl: { Primitive city }

p.s. [ Someone has been telling me I should stop uploading my snaps on photobucket since it's pretty much sucking up half of the actual quality of the images, but I don't know how far I can go with a free flickr account without draining my space.]


  1. Second location looks like Primitive City to me. :-)

  2. Aaaah ho anche io quelle ali!*_*

  3. Le ali tronfie...penso sia una delle prime cose che ho preso pagando lindi in SL, le ho viste su qualche blog e dovevano essere mie, anche se poi non le uso quasi mai :p
