I'm back, almost.
I ' ve found a way to edit snaps so I'm back from the deads or so it seems.

[skin {[ROCKBERRY] | Character skin (group gift)}
[hair {Maitreya | Jade - Pale}

[glasses {::Maschienenwerk:: | *M-Werk 5122* (free)}
[headphones {*booN | headphone - ume}
[shirt {(Milk Motion) | my loose tshirt - silver bird}
[gloves {**en Svale** | Gloves - Beige}
[pants {*League | Booty Shorts - Black}
[stockings {*Sheer* | Tights 29: Very Tornk - black}

[shoes {[ON] | Wo Boots - Night}

{I'll add the SLURLS as soon as I collect the missing ones.}


  1. Bentornata!<3
    PS: poi mi spiegherai come sei riuscita a cambiare template su blogspot,io ci ho litigato come una dannata ç_ç

  2. whoohoo! Welcome back ^^ I keep asking myself why I haven't seen more of you around because you are amazing! :)

    Love your style -- and these shots are style + awesome picture taking ^^ stunning job!

  3. Abby! con i miei orari scrausi non riesco a trovare più nessuno IW quando passo per i miei due minuti quotidiani. ç_ç
    ...ho cambiato template ?? davvero?....hmm ho cambiato i colori (maledetta primavera ti fa venire voglia di cose rosa e sbrilluccicose), però sarò lieta di passarti la mia sapienza appena ti pesco a qualche ora su SL. ^^

  4. Thank you!
    I'm so surprised someone I haven't meet on SL actually reads this blog!
    I love your style blog, since I haven't had much time to use log on SL lately I always feel I'm just staliking blogger and copying outfits around.
    I'm pratically always wandering trhough deserted sims, but I'd love to meet you on SL sometime! ^^
